Sayur Asam " Vegetable Acid " From Jakarta Indonesia


At this time I will try to share, this is the food of the Betawi (Jakarta, Indonesia). More interesting preferably have tried this dish will not forget the distinctive taste, fresh acid according to the name " Vegetable Acid ".

First, prepare ingredients for two servings,

- Fresh tamarind fruit (1-2 pieces)
- Water (1 liter)
- Fruit melinjo (20 grams or to taste)
- Leaves young melinjo
- Sweet corn (1 piece)
- Young jackfruit (50 grams)
- Peanut (15 grams)
- Long Bean (1-2 pieces)
- Potatoes (20 grams)
- Peas (20 grams)
photo leaves and fruit melinjo

Seasonings such as,

- Onion (3 cloves)
- Garlic (1 clove)
- Red chili (1 piece)
- Cayenne pepper (3 pieces)
- Shrimp paste  to taste
- Galangal (1 segment)
- Bay leaves (1 sheet)
- Pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- Flavoring flavor (white sugar) to taste

How to make,
Clean up all the ingredients,
- Cook clean water
- Acid fruit and galangal that has been coarsely ground, then input into the cooking water,
- Corn, young jackfruit (cut into 2-3 cm long), melinjo fruit, nuts, potato kembili, peas and bay leaf input into the boiling water.
- Onion, garlic, red pepper, cayenne pepper, and shrimp paste, (all refined). Input into the cooking water.

Wait until the water boils, or until the ingredients are incorporated overcooked. Putting the last ingredient such as beans, leaves young melinjo, pepper, salt, and flavorings.

Once all the material the latter already half done, try, lift and ready to be served.

Serve while warm with chili paste, jerked meat, fried chicken, white rice warm. Can be added also fresh vegetables, cucumber, salad leaves, eggplant salad, leaves popohan, and crackers.

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