11 Benefit From Cherry Leaves and Cherry Fruit for Health

Shared Tastes - Trees cherry is a wild plant, grow lush and easy to breed even with hot temperature conditions. The tree will live as high as 12 meters, but generally only about 3-5 meters. Not surprisingly, what if encountered along the way as filters for air pollution, as well as a place for shelter.

Cherry fruit or also called cherry or cherry (Muntingia calabura L.). In some areas, such as in Jakarta Indonesia and surrounding areas, named "BUAH SERI".

Trees cherry is a plant that has small round fruits. The fruits have a green color when raw, and will be bright red or black If you have mature or ripe.

Cherry ripe fruit will taste sweet and if chew, there will be a sensation like no fine sand (seeds of the cherry), but soft. With a sweet taste enthused small children or animals eating fruits such as bats and birds.

It turned out that in addition to taste the sweet fruit, fruit cherry contains a lot of good benefits for the body. As well as to cope with various diseases compiled from various sources.

Other names in some countries are Datiles, aratiles, manzanitas (Philippines); Mat Sam (Vietnam); Khoom sômz, takhôb (Laos); take hop farang (Thailand); krâkhôb goods (Cambodia); and kerukup siam (Malaysia). Also known as blanco Capulin, cacique, nigua, niguito (Spanish); Jamaican cherry, Panama berry and cherry Singapore (English). The Dutch used to call Japanse kers ( "Japanese cherry") - (source Wikipedia)

This is the content of the nutritional value contained cherry fruit every 100 grams, (source spermatic)

Water (77.8 grams), Protein (0,384 grams), fat (1.56 gram), carbohydrate (17.9 grams), fiber (4.6 grams), Abu (1.14 grams), Calcium (124, 6 mg), phosphorus (84 mg), iron (1.18 mg), carotene (0,019 g), Tianin (0,065 g), Ribofalin (0,037 g), Niacin (0.554 g) and Vitamin C (80.5 mg) the energy generated value is 380KJ / 100 grams.

- Benefits a cherry fruit for health, (source getaransehat)

The cherry fruit contains anti-bacterial having a number equal to the number of anti-bacteria used by doctors. This is attested by the discovery that states that in fruit anti-bacterial cherry is very strong.

The cherry fruit also contains anti-oxidants are quite high, so as to ward off free radicals and prevent the body from disease and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Overcome gout,
The content of anthocyanins in a cherry fruit is able to cope with gout because the content of these substances can reduce joint pain caused by arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Uric acid can affect anyone, not just the elderly but teens can also be attacked by this disease. So it's good to try to treat it with the fruit of this one.

Restoring muscle pain,
Fruit contains a cherry of anti-inflammatory to relieve pain in muscles. In addition, people who eat a cherry fruit will have a healthy muscle. The athlete, who often drink fruit juice cherry will be a little experience musculoskeletal pain than those not.

Help you sleep soundly,
In the cherry fruit, there are pieces that melatonin may help the brain to regulate sleep, overcome jet lag, keep your memory and slows down aging. So if you have insomnia, this fruits helps to cope.

Smoothing the skin,
According to research conducted in Europe consume a glass of cherry fruit juice each day can be able to smooth the skin and slow the aging process. Because cherry fruit contains antioxidants which are the highest with 17 antioxidant compounds. It also overcomes the problem of acne and vulgar.

Increase libido,
For those couples, if regularly drink cherry fruit juice every day. With the content As vitamin A and C found in cherry fruit is able to increase libido in both men and women.

- The benefits of the leaf series on health,

Besides the fruit, other parts of the plant cherry fruit that are beneficial to the body are the leaves. Benefits contained in the leaves the cherry is not inferior to the fruit, to make it more clear following benefits of the fruit leaves the cherry.

In the leaves, the cherry has its benefits as an anti-septic that can kill microbes and bacteria. Because the leaves contain cherry flavonoid compounds, tannins, and saponins, by boiling some cherry leaves and drinking.

Leaf decoction cherry also contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce fever and inflammation. So if you have a fever should try to drink water stew leaves the cherry.

Being able to protect the heart,
Not only soursop leaves that can protect heart health, the greatest benefit from the cherry leaf is able to maintain and protect the health of our heart. Because leaves of the turned out to protect the myocardium that will result in a decrease in the limitation of myocardial enzyme leakage.

Leaf cherry can also be efficacious as anti-tumor, because of it cherry leaves, contains flavonoid compounds that can inhibit the growth of tumor cells effectively.

That's the benefit of fruit and leaves cherry, you should first consult experts or doctors of traditional medicine expert.

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