About Antlion Animals and Their Benefits to Health

photo http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/
The author this time wanted to try to introduce animals Antlion, based on what the author knows. Of course, also seek help from other sources, via a google search,

Antlion an animal that is classified into types of insects living in the soil is fine (dust). The nests resemble the hole shaped unique cone, with a depth of about 2 centimeters.

How to take the animals antlion of the nest, very is easy. You just took a drinking straw as a means to blow into the surface of the nest dan antlion will look.
photo http://imgur.com/gallery/De4P2

Shared Tastes - These animals, has a petite body size, body elliptical and slightly fluffy. For body size ten times larger than the size of his head.

Taken from various sources, antlion grouped into types Neuroptera, he included animals that undergo complete metamorphosis. This animal walked backward (because this is probably the call antlion). After large, these animals will walk forward and will be able to fly become the dragonfly.
photo http://bugguide.net/node/view/1129274/bgimage

Antlion an animal that has substances such as sulfonylurea, nutritious for health. These substances are beneficial to humans in the launch system and the pancreas produces insulin substances.

Both of these substances is a substance needed by the body to boost immunity. This substance is insulin will work when substances in the body decreased insulin and glucose in the blood substances increases. Then the human body become unbalanced and thus susceptible to various diseases.

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