Special Weekend, Soup or Fried Oxtail

Foto www.qraved.com
Shared Tastes - The menu in the show this time was the oxtail soup (fried) specials. in preparation for facing your weekend with family. Maybe you've read how to make oxtail soup with browsing in google. But this time, we are trying to review in a way that may be a little different.

Prepare materials to 3 servings,

1 kilograms oxtail specials, 2 carrots (cut into pieces), 3 stalks celery (be sliced), 2 leeks (be sliced), 1 red tomatoes (sliced adjust), 1 lemon, (sliced), 1 onion (sliced lengthwise), 2 segment ginger, 1 vertebra galangal, 3 shallots (puree), 1 clove of garlic (puree), 1/4 kg of cooking oil, 1 / 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon salty soy sauce, 1 or 2 bay leaves, 1 stalk lemongrass, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, salt to taste, flavoring to taste, pepper powder to taste, water and fried onions.

To ginger, bay leaves and lemongrass in put the cooking oxtail water.

Prepare a frying pan, heat the cooking oil with 1/4 kilograms. After oiling the heat, input onions Bombay (sliced lengthwise) cooking until wilted, then enter the 3 red onion, 1 clove of garlic mashed. After a brownish color and out fragrance, remove and drain.

After the tail meat is tender, discard the cooking water, but reserving a little as broth, then add water to taste.

Then enter such, Bombay fried onions, 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon salty soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, salt to taste, flavor to taste and pepper to taste.

Continue by entering the 2 carrots and 2 leeks.

Tasting flavors and lift adjusted to your taste and serve. If you want a crunchy sensation. Drain meat to then fried oxtail. Served with a separate sauce by oxtail soup.

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